Summer Trips at Mount Olivet: Why Do They Matter?

At Mount Olivet, we have been participating in summer trips for a long time! They are a cornerstone of senior high ministry at our church. But why go through all the work and fundraising to do them? I believe there are two core reasons why students find these trips impactful to their lives.

  • They connect with each other- Friendships! When you spend a week in intentional community with each other, usually in a new place, it forges relationships that are at the heart of our ministry at MO.

  • They connect with God- These trips teach us to slow down to listen to God’s voice both out in the world and within ourselves. What is God calling us into?  Where do we see God calling others? These questions are best explored while engaging in new opportunities like summer trips!

That is why we have a two year rotation for senior high trips. One year is focused on service.  How is God showing up in the world to help with systemic inequalities?  How can we be part of solutions that matter to communities?  How do we do this in an ethical way that nurtures community? The 2nd year is focused on spiritual growth. How do we see God in the world? Where is God calling me specifically?  Where am I feeling connected or disconnected with God? Each year has aspects of both, but the focus is different.  I like to use the metaphor of breathing in and breathing out.  One needs to do both.

Regardless of which year we are in the rotation, each trip has key components:

  • Summer trips nurture community with our group and others.

  • Summer trips broaden perspectives.

  • Summer trips take us out of our comfort zones and challenge us in a safe way.

  • Summer trips empower us.

  • Summer trips create holy space which sticks with us.

It is our goal at Mount Olivet that any youth that wants to go on one of these trips can, regardless of cost.  Thank you for supporting us through the youth stock and flower sale fundraisers this year.  It makes a huge difference in the lives of these youth to see how this community invests in them!

Rich Holleque
Director of Youth & Family Faith Formation