WORSHIP and hospitality

Connect in community by participating in one of our worship teams. There are opportunities for all ages and absolutely no experience is necessary to engage in this important ministry. 

WORSHIP TEAM opportunities

Check out a role once or sign up for multiple spots — your choice! Volunteers of all ages are welcome (with parental supervision of children under 12).


Communion prep before 9am: Fill communion cups with wine or juice, set out wafers, prepare altar with chalice, plate, and bread. Light candles in the worship area.

Serve communion: Distribute wine or juice to people as they come forward, saying “The blood of Christ, shed for you” as they select their own cup. Direct children to grape juice (lighter color liquid) instead of wine.

Communion Clean up after 10:45am: Extinguish candles in worship center after 10:45am service, stack communion cups in dishwasher tray, put communion supplies away.

Welcome & UShER

Greet everyone as they enter, help people find supplies they need for worship (i.e., bulletins, assisted listening devices at the welcome counter, etc.), direct people forward for communion.

Coffee preparation & clean-up

Make a couple of pots of coffee at 9:45am. Drain remaining coffee around 10:45am, and return empty pots to Fireside closet.

For more information on how you can help with worship, please contact Worship Coordinator Joy Miller.