Mount Olivet

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Blankets For The Kids at Camp Noah

blankettying Camp Noah is a week long summer camp supported by Lutheran Social Services for kids in communities that have experienced a crisis or natural disaster. In the past couple years Mount Olivet has visited families struck by horrible flooding in Colorado, as well as up north in Cloquet, MN. Organized by MO member Lisa Hansen, these experiences are transformative for both the children who attend, and the volunteers who are impacted by the pain and resilience exhibited by these young survivors of natural disasters.


Holly Carlson feels called to support this ministry by organizing volunteers to tie the blankets used by the campers during the week. Every child at Camp Noah receives a tied fleece blanket to use and take home at the end of camp. The blankets are wonderful gifts, but more than that, they are a recovery tool for children, providing much needed comfort as they continue to process their disaster and/or trauma experience.

hollysquare"I am called to serve these camps because I am passionate about helping kids build resiliency and see hope after a traumatic event in life. This is the 3rd blanket drive I have hosted at Mount Olivet. Every year we have met our goal of making 50 fleece blankets. These blankets are used in activities throughout the week and at the end of the week this is gift to for the kids to keep forever. I am excited to further my call this summer when I join the Mount Olivet Camp Noah team for a week in June!"

You can join Holly tying blankets on April 11, April 19 and April 28 in the Conference Room at Mount Olivet from 6:30pm to 8pm. Fleece donations for the blankets are also welcome (size must be 60x72 inches). Contact Holly ( if you are interested in helping!