20 Years and 180 Books Later

Since 1996 a group of Mount Olivet women have been meeting, discussing books, having desserts, and building relationships.

Group founder, Vicky Hubbell, saw the many small groups at Mount Olivet but none seemed like the right fit. Her love of reading and the rising popularity of book clubs led her to starting one at MO. The inaugural meeting included three people at Vicky's house with Vicki Jackman, and Gabe Collins as the early joiners.

180 books later they've branched out from reading, to bookstore visits, attending author talks, and service projects. While a church group, they don't limit book selection to Christian literature - covering a wide-range of fiction and nonfiction works.

Birthday Bags for the children at Home Free shelter.

Birthday Bags for the children at Home Free shelter.

"I often find that our book discussions bring out our Christian values---how we see characters and the moral dilemmas they face, relationships, world views, historical events." -Nancy Devine

God shows up in the relationships built with one another, and the partnershipswith Home Free, donating Birthday Bags for the children, and Northport Elementary, providing Children's books for the kids and library.

"God has been present in what we read. Sometimes by the characters lack of faith.....and others times when our books were about lives of hope, love, bravery or grace." -Vicky Hubbell

"When someone has something going on in her life and wants to share with the group, we listen and help in any way we can.  We are a good support system.

"We share stories, laughter and sadness. We are there for each other and for others." -Nancy Devine
Meeting in the Fireside Room

Meeting in the Fireside Room

Maintaining a group for so long? It starts with open minds and respect for one another - and out of that foundation grows friendship, support, and community.

"Love of reading, open minds, respect for each other and lots of laughter kept us coming to the monthly discussions. I really look forward to each book club....we have become close by sharing ideas, emotions, life's stories ....both in books and our own." -Vicky Hubbell
"The book club welcomes all women.  We read all genres.  The discussions about the books we've read have been lively yet respectful."  -Diane Skrukrud

A good dose of humor helps:

"One of my favorite memories is when Vicky Hubbell tried to get a tape of Garrison Keilor to play on her tape player.  We laughed so hard we cried!" - Vicki Jackman

Get Involved:

This longstanding group is open to all women and meets on the third Monday of every month.

January 23: Author Stacy Monson will lead discussion on her book, "Shattered Image."
Group contact, Pat Daly, encourages anyone interested to attend!

Email Pat to get more info and detailed schedule.