Mount Olivet

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CASYs: Blessed to be a Blessing

[soundcloud url="" params="color=ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=true&show_reposts=false" width="100%" height="166" iframe="true" /] Hannah, Kirsten, and Abby share stories of the blessings they received as students in Linda's confirmation group, and how they pass it on as CASY (Caring Adults Supporting Youth) leaders of their own confirmation groups today.

Words from the Guides, CASYs and Leaders

An unexpected but amazing outcome of being a BE Guide is seeing your own faith and trust in God grow through witnessing the unfettered faith of the kids. Their honest love of God, each other, the Word, and the world reground and re-energize me each Sunday. Plus we have a LOT of fun!

- Lindsay Bondy

My favorite part of BE is when I ask a questions, and lots of hands are raised. It means they’re learning, and that makes me happy!

- Lauren Flynn

Being a CASY this year is even better than I expected - the relationships I’ve formed, the depths of the discussions, the laughter and the fun - the whole is greater than the sum of its parts!

- Allison Nahr

Youth have told me how cool they think it is that people who are not their parents want to hang out with them each week. At the beginning of the year they often seem a bit skeptical of these adults, but in the end they form really special bonds with one another. Their CASY is a safe adult to share with - to laugh with, to let out frustrations to, to ask those faith and big world questions that are sometimes hard to ask mom and dad.    

  - Summer Anthony, Faith Formation specialist


The Impact of our Mentors

Studies show that such relationships are vitally important for our children’s faith. When comparing twentysomethings who remained active in their faith beyond high school and those who “dropped out” of church, a 10-year study completed in 2013 by the Barna Group,  ...uncovered a significant difference between the two. Those who stay were twice as likely to have a close personal friendship with an adult inside the church.

Among those who remain active, the most positive church experiences are relational. The implication is that huge proportions of churchgoing teenagers do not feel relationally accepted in church. This kind of information should be a wake-up call…to churched adults of the necessity of becoming friends with the next generation of believers.

Mount Olivet is blessed with over 65 youth and adult mentors who spend time each week with the children and youth of this faith community, learning, asking questions, and exploring what it means to be the people of God to · geth · er.

 Read more from BARNA Research about Millenials in the church.